Monday 27 August 2012

The perils of online dating

Being self employed and working from home you don't get to see that many people, it also doesn't help if you have just moved to the area and have no friends.  In fact to be honest it is really lonely and boring and for someone like me who loves to chat away to people so it is not an ideal situation.

Anyway I am not one to sit around and think about the 'what if's' so I decided to have a go at online dating.  Well it didn't start off as online dating more the fact that I wanted to meet people in my general area of the world and get out and about.  Bearing in mind money is/was tight I joined one of the popular free dating sites called Plenty of Fish.  It really should be renamed as Plenty of Sleezeballs in my opinion, however I digress.

It started off well, I added my profile and pictures and started exploring the site.  I went with the humorous but truthful approach to my profile and thought it was pretty good.  However I have since been told that it is too long and from the messages I receive it is quite clear that no man ever reads it!

I was getting lots of messages from lots of different people, I thought it was the right thing to reply to them all, I have since changed my mind on that as awful as it sounds.  I started having conversations with a few people and actually was daredevil enough to meet up with a few people.  Now at this point you need to understand that I am not a 'Player' in fact I have no idea what that term actually implies.  I just like meeting people and feel that you should meet as many people as possible who you click with just incase they might be the one.

I have had mixed results and have gained a couple of good friends from my meet ups, I like to stay in touch with people as its a polite and nice thing to do.  Plus the people I have met interest me with great conversation skills and interesting thoughts on life.  I have had a couple of absolutely awful dates/meet ups if I am truthful and am a lot wary about who I chat to now. I will do separate blog posts for them because they deserve a special mention all on their own.

One thing I have come to realise is that it is such a degrading world, in the aspect of online dating.  I understand that I am not everyone's cup of tea but being rejected simply from my pictures does hit you where it hurts and makes you wonder why you carry on.  The fact that you can also be having great conversations with people and all of a sudden they disappear with no reason is also one I can not fathom out.  This has happened a couple of times and I am left wondering if it was something I said, but in the end I need to figure out that it is there loss not mine.

I was thinking about giving it all up as a waste of time but I think I may just continue for a bit, mainly to give me some blog juice and because it is interesting sometimes.

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