Friday 31 August 2012

Online Arguments ...

Before I start here I will admit that I had drunken one glass of a white wine before this, for those of you who actually know me then this is unusual.  The above information will help you set the scene...

I love Facebook, I'm not addicted but I love the fact that I can have friends from around the world within easy reach and that communication can become so free.  However I am a member of one of the many groups on Facebook which is one of my favorite groups, however...

We had an argument, ok it started off with a post asking if you had more male friends than female friends.  It was going well until one of the 'colorful' characters decided that she would post about here experience as a 15 year old accountant where she went 'Potty' (her words not mine) at the bosses wife because the bosses wife was rude to a gay couple that had come into the office.  It then digressed into homophobic laws and what is right and what is wrong.  You can see where this is going can't you, it's not going to be pretty.

This colorful character then decided that she was going to go on a full out scathing attack on anyone who didn't follow her principles.  The principles where that if she was out (she is 22 not that age has anything to do with it) and saw a fight happening or anything like that then she would wade in and sort it out.  Fine, each to their own if that's what she feels comfortable doing then fine.  However, she then said that anyone who didn't follow what she would do is a coward!!!!  Red flag to a bull time for me to be honest because calling me a coward is just not on.  I value my life, I like my life in fact I pretty much want to stay alive.  So if I see anything happening on a street then no I wouldn't dive in to sort it out I would call the police who are trained to deal with this and let them sort it out.

But apparently that makes me a coward!!

I swore at this person, I don't swear or normally get angry but this tipped me over the edge.  How many times do you hear on the news or read in the papers about innocent people being killed because they did the right thing and stepped in to stop a fight or something.  I can guarantee that it happens at least once a week and that is very scary.  Do you want to be another one of those statistics just to NOT be called a coward?!  I don't and I'm pretty sure that most other people don't want to either.

It's now been two days since the incident and I am still seething, in fact I am livid that someone who doesn't know me can have such disregard towards another persons thoughts and beliefs.

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